06. Multi-perspective TA

This week we have a look at two major methods for integrating different perspectives (also from different disciplinary contexts) to obtain a common assessment.

I. Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM)

Also known as Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) this assessment method includes several methods rooted on approaches from statistics and mathematics that allows evaluate conflicting criteria and come to a common evaluation.
In this video you can find a detailed description of some of its methods and algorithms (particularly those that can be implemented manually in a programming software by yourself) and their main principles. Here go the slides.

Open-source tools for MCDM analysis

pyrepo-mcda: python 3.0 based library for performing MCDM analysis. Includes different normalization, transformation and aggregation methods. This is a consolidated library with good documentation.

Additional Literature:

AHP: Eigenvalue and consistency: [1] and [2]

II. Discourse Analysis

This video is an introduction to the method of discourse analysis. It presents one possible concretization of that method and is based on the analysis performed in Reference #1 of the below listed literature. Here go the slides

Additional literature:

  1. Drexler et al. Framing the mobility transition: public communication of industry, science, media, and politics in Germany. Energy, Sustainability and Society. 10.1186/s13705-022-00374-0
  2. Discourse analysis of H2-vehicles (Basis for presentation, in German)
  3. Discourse analysis and Electric mobility (in German)